Description: Harnessing the power of stannous
SafeGuard H2O features automatic dosing and incorporates AMS’s proprietary, continuous, real-time monitoring of contaminant levels at the influent and effluent to ensure optimal treatment and compliance with regulatory and operational targets. Because the system can be fully controlled remotely, onsite supervisory personnel is not required, reducing operating costs.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count118
Description: Harnessing the power of stannous
Various applications have demon-strated the efficacy of Sn2+ as a reagent as well as the ability of SafeGuard H2O to deliver reliable water treatment.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count268
Description: Harnessing the power of stannous
Historically, water treatment systems haven’t had the ability to determine whether they are under-treating or over-treating and struggle to identify performance issues in a timely fashion. The asset owner typically receives little support to optimize system performance and is often left to manage expensive system failures caused by a wide range of factors – including sudden and...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count135
Description: Harnessing the power of stannous
Rick Bacon is the chief executive officer at Aqua Metrology Systems, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, US. For more information, contact the author at
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count26
Harnessing the power of stannous