Description: Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints
Contractors, maintenance personnel, and engineers have used rubber flexible expansion joints on the suction and discharge of pumps to reduce vibration levels, while also providing an easy means to install and disassemble pumps. A theme used by rubber joint manufacturers to promote these joints is that they “relieve pipe and anchor stresses, compensating for misalignment.” Rather than...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count707
Description: Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints
At the startup of two different facilities, pump vibration levels exceeded ANSI/HI 9.6.4 vibration criteria for vertical end suction wastewater pumps. Pump startup technicians, contractors, and pump manufacturers were puzzled as to the root cause of the excessive vibration. Several corrective methods, such as loosening nuts on the anchor bolts, installing rubber washers under the pump and motor...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count255
Description: Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints
At the first facility, a systematic step-by-step investigation was performed, starting with evaluation of the pumping station hydraulic characteristics. The suction specific speed was investigated to determine if there was a potential for cavitation. The Hydraulic Institute Standard, ANSI/HI 9.6.1 (HI) Rotodynamic Pumps Guidelines for NPSH Margins — 2012 recommends suction specific speed to...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count826
Description: Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints
At another facility with rubber expansion joints on the discharge, similar vibration issues were encountered. Vibration readings taken on the pump upper bearing were 15.01 mm/s (0.591 ips), which significantly exceeded the HI maximum allowable for this wastewater pump. Figure 5 (right) is a plot of the vibration measurement on the pump.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count189
Description: Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints
Vibration spikes were noticed in both installations when the pumps operated at their blade pass frequency. Issues that contributed to blade pass vibration were
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count317
Assessing Rubber Expansion Joints