
About Lavery, John

John has been a fan of biosolids for over 20 years. His wealth of experience and knowledge with all aspects of residuals management plays a critical role in SYLVIS project success. John has developed beneficial use programs for Calgary, Prince George, Metro Vancouver, and Edmonton. His innovative approaches seek to use residuals as a tool to solve environmental challenges. In 2013, John implemented the Grassland Restoration Program at the OK Ranch in British Columbia. Using biosolids as a soil amendment this program has achieved both sustainability and productivity for the ranch.
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Lavery, John
John has been a fan of biosolids for over 20 years. His wealth of experience and knowledge with all aspects of residuals management plays a critical role in SYLVIS project success. John has developed beneficial use programs for Calgary, Prince George, Metro Vancouver, and Edmonton. His innovative approaches seek to use residuals as a tool to solve environmental challenges. In 2013, John implemented the Grassland Restoration Program at the OK Ranch in British Columbia. Using biosolids as a soil amendment this program has achieved both sustainability and productivity for the ranch.