Description: Sustainable investing to navigate the future
Sustainable investing assets in the five major markets (Europe, United States [US], Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) stood at US$30.7 trillion at the start of 2018, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14 percent from 2014-2018, according to Global Sustainable Investment Review. This trend is expected to continue and is largely viewed by the financial sector as an...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count255
Description: Sustainable investing to navigate the future
One of the benefits is that water companies will have access to more capital if they develop extra-financial reporting and clearly state their position on and relevance to the SDGs. Traditional investors are now allotting large amounts of capital for ESG and sustainable investments, and, according to The Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, the vast majority (84 percent) are...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count565
Description: Sustainable investing to navigate the future
Water companies can take a number of steps to help them benefit from the opportunities that sustainable investing offers. They can:
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count293
Description: Sustainable investing to navigate the future
Geoff Gage is a managing partner at Amane Advisors. He is based in Oxford, UK and serves clients across the water sector, with a focus on strategic and operational topics. He can be reached at Dorothée Chabredier is a principal at Amane Advisors. She is...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count74
Sustainable investing to navigate the future