Description: Green Asset Management
Asset management spans the process of building, operating, maintaining, renewing, replacing, and disposing of assets with the objective of maximizing benefits, managing risk, and providing a specified level of service. An effective framework provides a structure and processes for an organization to effectively minimize the total life-cycle cost for a targeted level of service and risk exposure.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count1,547
Description: Green Asset Management
Communities can manage stormwater and natural resources sustainably in concert by integrating green stormwater infrastructure. In the natural water cycle, streams and rivers provide conveyance, forests and grasslands intercept and infiltrate rainfall, and lakes and ponds provide storage and settling of nutrients bound to suspended solids. Green stormwater infrastructure is essentially a network of...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count538
Description: Green Asset Management
The application of asset management frameworks to green infrastructure is an emerging best practice and a promising strategy for successful management of green infrastructure. Benefits include improved ability to justify budgets, manage risk, make appropriate decisions for investment and management, provide information critical to develop business cases, balance capital and operating expenses, and...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count152
Green Asset Management