Description: Say What?
Communicating during technical projects happens in many ways: project meetings, technical workshops, submittals, plans, specifications, diagrams, conference calls, emails, instant messages, and more. For those working on projects, time is money, so technical folks have a tendency to jump right into the topic at hand. However, it is always beneficial to pause for a moment to understand the...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count308
Description: Say What?
For a multidiscipline team to engage successfully with each other during any kind of project communications, they may need to take some active steps beyond their basic technical work. On automation projects, control systems integrators (SIs) often find themselves in this role — whether explicitly contracted for the task or not. This is because the SI is uniquely positioned to coordinate...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count831
Description: Say What?
There are a few options in how to bring others up to speed. It might not always be practical, but everyone appreciates starting communication with a brief update on the background of the topic. This usually requires some preparation and consumes time and effort as it is an abbreviated form of training. Some SIs may be reluctant to invest this effort, while more experienced SIs understand the...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count395
Description: Say What?
Contractors can’t build excessive unrequested training hours into their prices. On the other hand, promoting a culture where project managers devote time to teaching acronyms and technology in use ensures that others understand the key technical points. Communicating, with the patient heart of a teacher, is an opportunity to make allies on a project and elevate an SI to the role of trusted...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count598
Say What?