Description: Lessons learned at Empire facility guide state policies
The Empire wastewater treatment plant was originally constructed in the early 1970s with a capacity of 45.4 mid. Rapid suburban development in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in the cities of Apple Valley, Lakeville, and Farmington, led to its expansion to 90.8 mid, which was completed in 2007. During expansion planning, MCES collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count725
Description: Lessons learned at Empire facility guide state policies
The Empire facility represents a unique example of One Water principles applied at a water resource recovery facility. Green infrastructure installed within the process area has directed runoff to the shallow groundwater system, eliminating surface runoff to the nearby protected cold-water trout stream. Large restoration projects outside of the process area, including a wet meadow wetland and...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count159
Description: Lessons learned at Empire facility guide state policies
Karen Jensen, Patricia Oates, Deborah Manning, Jennifer Kostrzewski, John (Jack) Borland, and Katherine (Rene) Heflin of the MCES, based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States, contributed to the article. References are available upon request by email:
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count39
Lessons learned at Empire facility guide state policies