
About Kogler, Anna

Anna Kogler is a PhD student at Stanford University in Dr. William Tarpeh's lab. As an environmental engineer, she studies recovery of resources, especially nitrogen, from wastewater using electrochemical processes. She has worked as a consultant in wastewater treatment planning and design, an operator at a pilot-scale anaerobic wastewater treatment plant (the Codiga Resource Recovery Center at Stanford), and an engineering intern at a public utility. She hopes to connect her academic research to practice by drawing on her experiences in industry and engaging with practitioners. After completing her degree, Anna aims to return to consulting or become a professor.
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Kogler, Anna
Anna Kogler is a PhD student at Stanford University in Dr. William Tarpeh's lab. As an environmental engineer, she studies recovery of resources, especially nitrogen, from wastewater using electrochemical processes. She has worked as a consultant in wastewater treatment planning and design, an operator at a pilot-scale anaerobic wastewater treatment plant (the Codiga Resource Recovery Center at Stanford), and an engineering intern at a public utility. She hopes to connect her academic research to practice by drawing on her experiences in industry and engaging with practitioners. After completing her degree, Anna aims to return to consulting or become a professor.