
About Taylor, Jeremy

Jeremy graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. After graduating Jeremy took a position in the Oil and Gas Industry at ConocoPhillips conducting research on unconventional shale plays. In 2016, Jeremy pursued a master's in Sustainable Engineering from Villanova University where he was introduced to hydrothermal carbonization. The lab experience gained at ConocoPhillips laid a strong foundation for HTC research and his master's thesis work. Upon graduating, Jeremy joined SoMax as the Chief Sustainability Officer.
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Taylor, Jeremy
Jeremy graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. After graduating Jeremy took a position in the Oil and Gas Industry at ConocoPhillips conducting research on unconventional shale plays. In 2016, Jeremy pursued a master's in Sustainable Engineering from Villanova University where he was introduced to hydrothermal carbonization. The lab experience gained at ConocoPhillips laid a strong foundation for HTC research and his master's thesis work. Upon graduating, Jeremy joined SoMax as the Chief Sustainability Officer.